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Joeey Studio is committed to provide quality artworks
and merchandises which give a sense of healing to our clients
in response to their wants.  We also believe firmly in operating a sustainable business framework in terms of being environmentally conscious and giving back to the society.

The artist, Joeey Goh embarked on her art journey as a
hobbyist inspired by Japanese anime projects and Korean pop culture where she discovered great interest in people’s features.  Joeey was a five-year representative for her high school in the Chinese calligraphy field and finalist for several creative contests in Malaysia.  She was also a fellow participant in the semi-annual art exhibition in Chungbuk National University, South Korea in fall of 2018.  In 2020, she was one of the selected participants for Young Art Entrepreneurs (YAE!) organised by the National Art Gallery, Malaysia. 

Art projects of the artist are inspired by black and white
colours for semi-realistic traditional portraits or light palette colours for minimalist digital commissions.  On top of that, the artist practises inspiration from minimal yet functional spaces design.

For business enquiries or collaboration, please contact [email protected] or send us a message here.

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@Joeey Studio 2021